Saturday, September 21, 2013

Journey to recovery - Painful Day

DAY 10
Date: 11th Sept 2013

Painful day. Back hurts. Stomach hurts.
Mom almost killed me. Why?

After my follow-up appt with the doc, Mr.Prince Charming charmed me into going lunch. I thought of just going to a small mall 3mins from the hospital but he took me to another mall 5-10mins away from the hospital.

Had lunch on the ground floor of the mall. I had baked fish. I am banned from eating chicken outside, remember? Ordered a cake and iced water. When done, we went to Cold Storage to grab some stuff. Of coz Cold Storage is not small for a sick person like me. I have walked a gazillion steps. Ok. I exaggerated but yeah..too many steps for a sick person.

The next day, Mr.Prince left for work and back to his parents' place for the week. Me? My back ached like crazy! Mom scolded. "Go out. Walk all day. Don't come back and tell me it hurts. You walked about like you are well. If anything happens, don't look for me.", she said.


I spent the day lying down.

I still didn't think it was a gazillion steps. 
C' was just Cold Storage. It isn't the entire KLCC.....ah well, I admit. I underestimated my pain.

2 commentz:

sYun said...

Get well soon and do listen to your doctor and mom by not walking too much :)

. Ruz . said...


Thank you Shi Yun!