Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Very First Single Movie Ticket Bought

This may be normal to frequent movie-goers or movie fanatics. As for me, I love watching movies but I do not watch it too often coz most of the time, I'd pick reading over watching movies. To my little bunch of friends, the know that I will object to the idea of watching a movie when I've not met them in the longest time. I started REALLY watching movies in the cinema when I started dating my boyfriend. No doubt there are times I object watching movies due to time limitation; I'd rather walk around, talk and catch up. *you get the idea*

Ever since my bf went away, I seldom watch anymore movies. Guess I must have been busy or the feeling just doesn't come. I would be lying if I say that there is nothing I would like to watch but frustrations come with it when I don't get to watch it OR my bf watches w/o me. Selfish? I don't think so. I'm just so used to watch movies with him. Watching romance is a lot nicer when you have a companion. Let me know if you disagree. All these makes me forget all about movies. I barely even go to the cinema portals. *Why tempt when you can't have it rite? I don't like pulling myself down and live with frustrations!*

What I did today is what I've always wanted to do; experience watching movie alone! Odd? Ordinary? I was divided between Shrek 4 and Letters to Juliet. I picked Shrek 4 in 3D =) How I felt lining up alone? Nothing out of ordinary...maybe because I don't see couples being ridiculously annoying in front / around me. I was surround by a bunch of girls who couldn't decide what they wanna watch and some kids. The line wasn't long so nothing was in the context of toturing me.

Didn't get the center seat but managed to get a seat towards the end of the center cluster. 3 empty seats; I picked the middle one...just so that no silly couples will sit nearby! (forgodsake, I'm watching Shrek...not some Romeo&Juliet movie) Went into the cinema right away my ticket was printed. Picked up the 3D glasses alone. Wasn't odd. Went to my seat alone. No one picked up my bag to put it on the floor. I gotta say I got into the scene right on time. The moment I sat down, the dreamworks logo was displayed onto the screen.

Did I laughed during the show?
I did.

Did it feel odd being alone?

Did I enjoy the movie?
Of coz!!! It is Shrek!!!

Would I do it again?
Definitely; IF I have the time and chance to. =p

p/s: After tonite, I wont' have to wonder how it feels to watch a movie alone anymore coz I'VE DONE IT! Not much diff compared to shopping and eating alone. It feels normal. I dunno about romantic movies but Shrek doesn't make me feel alone. *ngehngehngeh*

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