Friday, February 14, 2014

If You Ask, Then You Must Know

I believe the word hijab,headscarf or tudung is no longer foreign with the growling number of Muslims around the globe. No doubt Muslims are more famous after the 9/11 incident.

There are even protests for not letting women wear the headscarves in some countries. Hijab. Why do Muslim women wear those? Wait, why is there even question as to why Islam calls for it? Has anyone asked why Buddhist monks wear yellow wraparound? How about the nuns outfits? They cover their heads too, don't they?

Simple answer to why Muslim women wear the headscarves is that it shows we are Muslim women. We worship Allah and therefore, we do as told. To set correct understandings, we are required to cover the aurah. Now, what is aurah? Aurah for a woman is every part of her body except her face and palm. Aurah for a man is between his belly button and knees. Aurah must not be seen other than family members.

Is it a must to wear the headscarf? Yes.
Is it a must to pray? Yes.

Are babies required to wear headscarves? No. Reason being they are not adults yet. In Islam, you are consider an adult as soon as you reach puberty. No matter if you have your first mensturation when you are only 9 years old.

You may wonder why do you still see many Muslim women without their headscarves. If you are that curious to find out, I suggest you walk up to them and ask what you would like to find out.

I admit. I have just started doing many more things which are compulsory for Muslims. Including covering my aurah. Once a physical change is made, questions and stares came from every direction. When you do something for your religion, you keep and open mind and your heart win remain calm while your ignore button is on. I believe many have asks why Hindus do not eat beef at some point in life.

Every religion has its own teachings. We are in no position to condemn others who do not believe in the same thing as we do. Bottom line, no religion promotes evil doings. Tell me, which religion encourages pre-marital sex? Which religion allows robbery as way of living?

Common questions asked to someone who has just started wearing the headscarf as following.

Why do you wear it?
I'm a Muslim. It is a must in my religion.

Why don't you wear it before?
I have sinned. It is wrong. I do not want to continue doing what is not right.

What happens if you don't wear it?
I'll be committing a gigantic sin and will be burned in hell. I will be hung by my hair and fit will be burned to my skull. Worst of all, my prayers are not taken into account.

Did your husband force you to wear it?
I guess this is a very subjective question. In my case, my parents and my husband have been feeling me to wear it since yonks but I was deep in the dark and did not wear it. Sorry.

What made you wear it now?
I love my religion. I love myself. I love my family. I love my husband. If I do not do as called for, I will be dragging them to hell with me. That is simply unfair. Especially if you really love these people. They love me too much for me to cause so much trouble in their afterlives (Yes, there is life after death and we will all be evaluated based in our doings in this world).

Apart from the above, I would like to reserve myself to my husband only. I would appreciate it if you do not offer your hand for me to shake too. I could reject it but it will be quite embarrassing for you. If not for both of us.

Guess this is it for this post. :)
Hope it has at least enlightened some of your doubts on why Muslim women wear the headscarves. To follow my initial journey with my headscarf, stay tuned.

Have a nice day!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 commentz:

Anonymous said...

Awesome explanation.