Saturday, November 13, 2010

Beautiful Friday

This is an entry for a beautiful Friday. It comes on a Saturday because Friday was sooooo beautiful.

For the past few weeks, I can't remember a day I didn't feel stressed or irritated. Friday(yesterday) was somehow beautiful eventhough I left work at 9pm. This is wayyyy earlier compared to my normal days.

Friday greeted me with peaceful rain in the morning when I first opened my eyes. If you are not sure what it is like, it is the kind of rain which makes soothing sounds outside with some sounds of hit dripping on the window glass. If it was a Saturday, I would definitely sleep in. ;) It was only 7:30am when I woke up.

Would like to hit the shower but when laziness Ickes in, I turned on my laptop to see if there are any urgent emails from work(don't ask me why I did that). There wasn't any that needed immediate attention so it was good.

Upon show of the desktop, there it was; Biography of the late P. Ramlee clip I copied at work late Thursday nite. Or was it early Friday morning before going home on Thursday? Nvm.

Double-clicked on the avi file, I was frozen until 50% of the clip when I realized it was already 8:30am. Ouch! Lol! Hit the shower right away, get dressed and head to work.

Reached the office at 10:30am. Lol! Left work at 2am the previpus night anyway Nothing burning so I was lucky. :) Planned lunch with Dayah but while planning, we got into the idea for a massage session so we headed to Gardens. Haven't decided where to go but ended up at Slimming Sanctuary for shoulder and neck massage. It felt light and good after. Dayah wasn't too satisfied but I was. Probably her massuer has a different style.

When done, we shut the marketing person there and rushed to lunch. Where? Paddington House of Pancakes for the lunch set. It is only RM13.80++ ^__^

Back at work I was dissatisfied that I didn't have the time to walk around or buy anything; I'm blaming my hormones. For the shopping urges. :p

Anyhow, many tasks have been organized and things are not too bad at work. Left work around 9pm or so.

Lovely chat with Mr. Prince Charming and nade him lose his game for a bit. I shutdown my Friday at 10:30pm :)

Friday was beautiful.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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